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Thread: Problem with applying patch for Multiple Axis Scales

  1. #1
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    Default Problem with applying patch for Multiple Axis Scales

    I've have spent countless hours pouring over the forum looking for any reference dealing with having multiple axis/scales for multiple curves. Users of my tools using the Qwt Library have demanded that I provide that feature in any future release. In my search I have come across several threads that discuss the matter in great detail. I have even located the related patch that supposedly enables this particular feature.

    I have attempted to apply the patch

    Following the instructions explained in the thread.

    But every attempt has failed with error message stating that the patch couldn't be successfully applied.

    I am using Qwt-6.0.1 with Qt 4.8 on a Linux OS

    I've attempted to hand edit the patch into the code itself but that turned in to quasi fiasco. Could I ask someone to help me with my problem and get the code successfully patched.

    Are there any plans of having this unofficial patch included in the next release of Qwt?

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    Default Re: Problem with applying patch for Multiple Axis Scales

    Quote Originally Posted by Wazman View Post
    Are there any plans of having this unofficial patch included in the next release of Qwt?
    This patch seems to be useful for several applications, but it is very incomplete. An implementation that would make it into the official code base is a lot more work with heavy changes of the API. Qwt 6.1 is planned to be a release full of new stuff ( never had a release with so many new classes ), but I don't want to have it too incompatible with Qwt 6.0.

    So this feature might be implemented in Qwt 7.x - the same version, where the classes are reorganized to support the Qt5 duality somehow.


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    Default Re: Problem with applying patch for Multiple Axis Scales


    Thanks for the quick response. I can hardly wait for the next release (Qwt 6.1 and then Qwt 7.x) Do you have a white paper on what is going to be implemented on the 6.1 version I would love to see it. Also I've been meaning to ask this on the forum. Why is the Qwt 5.2.2 the only available on the various Linux repository sites (ie yum for intstance)?


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    Default Re: Problem with applying patch for Multiple Axis Scales

    Quote Originally Posted by Wazman View Post
    Do you have a white paper on what is going to be implemented on the 6.1 version ...

    Why is the Qwt 5.2.2 the only available on the various Linux repository sites (ie yum for intstance)?
    Most distros have their focus on the applications - not on the development environment - and many of the important applications using Qwt have not been ported to Qwt 6.

    Did you ask the Qwt package maintainer of your distro ?


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