Hi all,

i downloaded a code from Qtapplications.org website for a manometer. it is a very lengthy code so i am not posting the entire code. I do not have a very clear concept in coordinate system so some body please explain the following coordinates and how can i relate to the picture i am drawing (manometer). i am pasting parts of the code
Qt Code:
  1. painter.translate(width() / 2, height() / 2);
  2. painter.scale(side / 335.0, side / 335.0);
  4. static const int scaleTriangle[6] = { -6,141,6,141,0,129 };
  6. painter.drawEllipse(-152,-152,304,304);
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my main doubt is the first two lines what width and height actually mean and why it is getting divided by 2 and then 335 and 335.
Most of the code contains the dimensions like above and i don't understand those. please somebody explain me little bit and then direct me to the proper documentation.

thanks in advance,