I would like to use QWT PlotCurve in a QML based application (Qt Quick Project/Qt Quick Application). I have a windows 7 64-bit pc with mingw. I have looked at various threads about installing QWT/Qt but have not been successful in creating a application using QML and QWT PlotCurve. (have been able to get to the point where I see QWT Widgets in Qt Designer and am able to run QWT examples in Qt Creator).

I want to use the latest versions (e.g. Qt Creator 2.5.0, QWT 6.0.1, Qt 4.8.1).

Step 1 -
What componets do I need to download for QT (do I down load only qt-win-opensource-4.8.1-mingw.exe and qt-creator-win-opensource-2.5.0.exe or do I need the QtSDK)?

Step 2 -
What Qt components do I need to rebuild and what is the process.

Step 3 -
What is required for Qt configuration (e.g. setting environment variables, editing bat files, ect.

Step 4 -
What steps beyond the those in the INSTALL document are required for QWT?

