Using the Necessitas Qt Creator on Ubuntu, I am currently porting a program to Android. Starting it in the emulator works by now, but:

The program needs some specific files to work with. Not all of these can go into the qrc, because the files will be changed (and eventually exchanged) by user interaction.

  1. - Is there a concept like a "working directory / programm directory" in the Android/Linux world?
  2. - Where is the best place to store these files (a few xml-files, small pictures, later some audio data etc)?
  3. - How can those files be "bound" to an apk and automatically be copied to the right location?

Any answer or hint for further reading would be gratefully appreciated. The problem must be quite comon but I have not found solutions, maybe I need better search vocab.

P.S.: My questions may actually sound a bit stupid, even to myself - it's about the first time I lean out my windows (ok: C64, Atari ST, Amiga, MS-Dos... but that doesn't count, I guess :-))