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Thread: No "Generator" in the Cmake wizard

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default No "Generator" in the Cmake wizard


    I am on OSX and I was trying to create a new C project that I wanted to use the Qt Creator IDE, and Cmake to build it. When I make a new project, I go through the CMake Wizard, and I get to the part that says "Run CMake" and there are no Generators listed in that dropdown. What am I missing to get that there? Previously when I have done this, I was quite sure I had multiple items in that dropdown.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: No "Generator" in the Cmake wizard

    So I got this solved by installing the command line tools package in xcode. I am not sure how much I like having to do this, as it seems now I am forced to be using the LLVM version of the gcc compiler. I haven't figured out how to do anything different other than re-making the simlinks in /usr/bin to point to gcc.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: No "Generator" in the Cmake wizard

    Hi All,
    I have the same problem, No generator in the CMake wizard. When I click on "Run CMake" the message "no generator seleted" appears.
    I tried with -g"MSYS Makefiles" as command line option but this does not work. I'm having this problem with Windows Vista + MinGW + MSYS.
    The same thing works fine on my Linux machine. Any suggestions?


  4. #4
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    Default Re: No "Generator" in the Cmake wizard

    Hi there,

    I had the same problem. In my case i just installed qtcreator and not the entire SDK. As a result not default toolchain was configured. I had to specify my toolchain under Tools->Build & Run->Tool Chains. There I added my MinGW installation and hit ok. after that I could choose the MinGW Generator for my cmake project.

    I hope this helps you too.


  5. #5

    Default Re: No "Generator" in the Cmake wizard

    Hello, I'm running the same issue here too.
    On windows7, I've installed qtcreator 2.5.2 only after having installed mingw (and set the PATH as suggested in the website).
    Everytime I try to import my cmake project however, the Run Cmake Wizard showed an empty generator combobox.
    Hence, I've tried set up the toolchain in order to point into the C:\MinGW\bin\ folder but I had no success again: the Run Cmake Wizard continues showing an empty generator.
    What the hell I'm doing wrong? I really dont have any idea where I could've made a mistake

  6. #6
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    Smile Re: No "Generator" in the Cmake wizard

    Quote Originally Posted by sisteminux View Post
    Hello, I'm running the same issue here too.
    On windows7, I've installed qtcreator 2.5.2 only after having installed mingw (and set the PATH as suggested in the website).
    Everytime I try to import my cmake project however, the Run Cmake Wizard showed an empty generator combobox.
    Hence, I've tried set up the toolchain in order to point into the C:\MinGW\bin\ folder but I had no success again: the Run Cmake Wizard continues showing an empty generator.
    What the hell I'm doing wrong? I really dont have any idea where I could've made a mistake

    I just had this same problem with Windows 7 and QtCreator 2.6.2. and banged my head against a wall for a while.

    The solution was to configure also Kits in Qt Creator (Tools => Options => Kits). This isn't obvious when CMake is used, but the user seem to get errors about this when trying to build some standard C++ project templates in Qt Creator.

    I also configured the PATH environment variable so that qmake and MinGW binaries can be globally found.

    This seems to be a lot easier on Ubuntu. When installing development stuff from the package repositories, everything just works immediately.

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