Good afternoon --

My client and I were talking last night about adding a help feature to his application. I was thinking using the tool tips for the widgets but he said that his PDF help document that he already has is too extensive to retype back in so what he wants is a feature similar to the F1 feature within Qt Creator so that when he hovers over a widget, clicks help, it would bring up the PDF to the exact location in the document for that widget. Doing some cursory searching I see there's various ways to display a PDF so my initial questions are:

1) Is this even possible, to jumpt to a location like this?
2) Is there a preferred method of displaying a PDF? I see poppler and ghostscript quite a bit popping up.
3) I've considered dropping the PDF into my database and then reading it back out and displaying it but that's and idea.

I made the mistake of showing how Qt Creator handled the help/F1 within the code editor, and he'd like something similar if possible. Never show a client what's possible, especially when they're a relative
