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Thread: QtOpenGL Module - load mesh into QGLWidget

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default QtOpenGL Module - load mesh into QGLWidget

    I need to generate a 3D-world and load 3D-objects into a QGLWidget. Is there any class which allows me to easily load 3d-meshes so i can display them? I could write my own code to parse the data but i hope there is some convenient class in qt to do this for me. The format i want to load is open and depends on which format qt supports.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QtOpenGL Module - load mesh into QGLWidget

    QtOpenGL has support for rendering (QGLWidget) and for various OpenGL data structures and functions. If you want to do anything more than that, you have to dip into coding in OpenGL itself. If you already have code that generates and loads your objects, then you can adapt that code to work within a QGLWidget rendering environment.

    Look at the top level of the QtOpenGL documentation and see if anything maps to the code you have now.

    By the way, I'm no expert on this. I'm reading the OpenGL "red book" now, trying to get myself up to speed for creating 3-D scientific visualization graphics.

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