
i have a set of actions that i assign to 1) a context menu, 2) a QScrollArea derived widget for hotkeys. While the context menu opens and works as expected, the shortcuts are not fired.
I should mention that i have the QscrollArea wrapped up in a widget that contains a widget that in turn contains my QScrollArea derived class.

I setup the actions in the QScrollArea derived constructor:

Qt Code:
  1. myAct= new QAction("context menu", this);
  2. myAct->setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+X"));
  3. myAct->setStatusTip("status tip");
  4. myAct->setToolTip("tooltip");
  5. myAct->setWhatsThis("whats this");
  6. addAction(myAct);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

In the context menu i can see the shortcut, but it wont work.

Interestingly, when i do the same thing for an action that is assigned to a toolbar in my QMainWindow, then the shortcut works fine.
SO i am guessing it is somehow related to the widget wrap-up...but i dont know where to start looking.
