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Thread: Unit Test: Test if QPushButton has a menu

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Unit Test: Test if QPushButton has a menu


    I have a GUI with lots of buttons. Each button should show a menu when clicked. I want to test this behaviour in the following unit test:

    Qt Code:
    1. BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(EachButtonHasMenuOnClick)
    2. {
    3. BOOST_FOREACH(QPushButton* elButton, m_perilib.findChildren<QPushButton*>())
    4. {
    5. // click on button
    6. QTest::mouseClick( elButton, Qt::LeftButton );
    8. // check if menu is visible
    9. QMenu* elButtonMenu = elButton->menu();
    10. BOOST_REQUIRE(elButtonMenu);
    11. BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(true, elButtonMenu->isVisible());
    13. // click again (somewhere outside the menu) to close menu
    14. QTest::mouseClick( elButton, Qt::LeftButton );
    15. BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(false, elButtonMenu->isVisible());
    16. }
    17. }
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    But the problem is: the menu is opened modal, so QTest::mouseClick does not return until the user closes the menu by clicking anywhere. That is quite bad for an automated unit test... Is there any simple solution? Or do I have to use a different thread?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Unit Test: Test if QPushButton has a menu

    Can't you just send a mouse click event to the main window using postevent?

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