While running client application in device how can i find that their application is exit properly
While running client application in device how can i find that their application is exit properly
What do you mean by "exit properly"?
Please try to be more elaborated in your question. What are you exactly trying to check/verify?
mania (8th November 2012)
Might QApplication::exec() be useful?
I want to create running multiple application in handheld device using Linux OS. I have create window it looks like an icons for (e.g) In that window three icons having 1.TestDialog 2.TestWidget 3. Filecopy , each file is created by different users . Using QProcess::start() i am running applications , suppose when the user pressing Filecopy thus the application is running successfully but when they exit Filecopy application i am not know wheather it exit or not . I have tried QProcess:: pid() when running i get value when i disable and enable application i am not get pid value
Last edited by mania; 8th November 2012 at 10:09.
QProcess signals the end of the child's life cycle by emitting the finished() signal. That signal transports the child's exit code (e.g. what it returned from its main() function) and an enum value telling you whether the child exited cleanly or crashed.