hey guys,

I am using QT Creator 2.6.0 with QT 5.0.0 Beta 2 on Vista. (downloaded it yesterday 500MBs)

Pre knowledge: I decided to learn C++ last week. I downloaded QT and wrote some simple but handy programs.

My Problem: My programs work fine when I run them from QT CREATOR. However when I try to run my application as exe file, it asks for DLL files. It asks crazy amount of DLL files (up to 40 MBs) and even after adding them all into that folder it doesnt run. It doesnt even give errors.

What I want: I want to be able to run my program outside of QT CREATOR. And give it to my friends without forcing them to install any other thing. (like .netframework 4.xxx like visual C++ 2010 does)

What I know and dont want:
1. I spent 3 days googling the problem checking over 100 articals. I know I need to make it static or dynamic.
2. http://doc.qt.digia.com/4.5/deployment-windows.html
cd C:\path\to\Qt
configure -static <any other options you need>
in this example I cant make "configure" work. I searched the entire computer but there is no such file. I still tried the code in several locations searching for a miracle but it keeps saying "configure is not recognized as internal or external command......" so I am stuck in that phase about static building.
3. I tried the dynamic build. I created a new "Qt Guil Application", builded it in RELEASE mode. Even tho it didnt have any single code in it yet, still it asks amazing number of DLL files yet still does not run afterwards as i explained above. In my youth I used to code with visual basic and I still have them. they are around 40-200 KBs with some cool games inside. The DLL files needed for QT application is around 20 MBs which is insane. There must be an other way.

I searched the entire forum and i couldnt find the answer I am looking for.
tnx in advance.