
I have a custom QGraphicsscene like this
Qt Code:
  1. class DisjointSetsScene : public QGraphicsScene
  2. {
  4. public:
  6. //...
  8. DisjointSetsScene(QObject *parent, /* ... */);
  9. //...
  11. signals:
  12. void signalNodeClicked(Node *node);
  13. // ...
  14. };
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

with some constructor
Qt Code:
  1. DisjointSetsScene::DisjointSetsScene(QObject *parent, /* ... */)
  2. : QGraphicsScene(parent)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I'm adding some custom graphics items and lines like this
Qt Code:
  1. NodeItem *nodeItem = new NodeItem();
  2. nodeItem->setRect(startCoords.x(), startCoords.y(), 30, 30);
  3. nodeItem->setBrush(nodeBrush);
  4. nodeItem->setPen(nodePen);
  5. //...
  6. addLine(startCoords.x() + 15, startCoords.y() + 15, endCoords.x() + 15, endCoords.y() + 15, arrowPen);
  7. //...
  8. addItem(nodeItem);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Now, at some point (when a node is clicked), i need to repaint the whole scene. So i want to clear it first, however, this thing
Qt Code:
  1. qDeleteAll(items());
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
gives me SIGSEGV. Any suggestions?