Hi guys, I would use Qprocess in a GUI Application in mac for call of ffmpeg, I have created the code in this way:

#include <QProcess>


void MainWindow:n_pushButton_2_clicked()
QProcess gzip;

gzip.start("mkdir", QStringList() << "/..PATH../byebye");

if (!gzip.waitForFinished())
qDebug() << "Make failed:" << gzip.errorString();
qDebug() << "Make output:" << gzip.readAll();

QProcess p;

p.start("ffmpeg", QStringList() <<"-i"<< "/..PATH../reg.mov"<< "-acodec"<< "pcm_s32le"<<"/..PATH../output.wav");

if (!p.waitForFinished())

qDebug() << "Make2 failed:" << p.errorString();
qDebug() << "Make2 output:" << p.readAll();


But I have in output:

Make output: ""
Make2 failed: "No such file or directory" http://www.qtcentre.org/images/smilies/frown.png

the first Qprocess make a new dir in the path, but the second Qprocess don't find the file that exist in that path.

I don't understand if is a visibility or permission denied problem, because if the path are the same and the file .mov exist, why the Qprocess don't find this?

Thank you very much!