Starting QT-application with second / virtual framebuffer / using drawText without framebuffer / QWS

Hello forum,

i'm programming an application which is running on an embedded linux board. The application itself has no gui but it has to render an image which must be send via an serial interface (usart) to an external displayboard (already working). Imagesize is about 96 x 64 Pixels, 8 bit depth.

Rendering image is done loading an png using QImage & draw some text inside with QPainter.

The system has an QWS server running, but QWS is used by an other application (developed from a colleague), so i have to do my work without it.

But QPainters drawText crashes with an segfault if i'm starting the application without -qws.

Is it possible to work with drawtext without using QWS?

Thanks a lot,

Sorry for my bad english