Hi Guys,

How do I do the following;

This is a simplification of the map setup I have so far

Qt Code:
  1. projects
  2. project_1
  3. file_a.cpp
  4. file_a.h
  5. file_b.cpp
  6. file_b.h
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

and now I want to do the following

Qt Code:
  1. projects
  2. project_1
  3. file_a.cpp
  4. file_a.h
  5. shared
  6. file_b.cpp
  7. file_b.h
  8. project_2
  9. file_c.cpp
  10. file_c.h
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

So I want to share file_b over two projects. Everytime I open project 1 or 2 I get to file_b and if I make changes in project 1, file_b is updated so project 2 can also make use of the new functionality.

How do I proceed to make this possible?

Many thanks in advance!