Hi I have been going around in circles on this problem and Im looking for help.

I have Qt4 designer running on the latest version of raspbian on a rasbperry pi. This is ready complied Qt4 so I have not built it like other examples I have found on the forum.

Using pyuic4 to generate python GUI scripts from the UI file works OK until I try and use the Qwt widgets within QT 4 designer.

The last line in the generated gui script 'from qwt_plot import QwtPlot' causes the calling python script to give an error 'ImportError: No module named qwt_plot'

Checking /usr/include/qwt-qt4 , this folder shows qwt_plot.h

Trying a plot GUI directly from python, using Eli Bendersky's qwt_dataplot.pyw this calls QwtPlot and no problems.

I am now out of my depth and would appreciate help
