Hi im very new about Qt and for first time Im try to make a hello world by following this instructions "http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt5ForAndroidBuilding" but when I try to run my hello world app it to an AVD I always got "could not find the executable please specify one".

I actualy didn't built QtCreator, I just made with this one http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2013/0...beta-released/
then I set the NDK and SDK directories, but when I need to choose the compiler i got lost because the instructions just say look into toolchains, and there is a lot of stuff. But looked in to it until I foun a GCC in the "arm-linux-androideabi-4.6" folder , witch do not make any Warning, so I use it, but the same.

I have try even with the official SDK an NDK. but the same.

does anyone knows any other instructions, or some key steps?

I really appreciate your help.