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Thread: Git failed when attempting to retrieving qt5 source code for compiling under Windows

  1. #1

    Default Git failed when attempting to retrieving qt5 source code for compiling under Windows

    I am trying to build qt5 on windows. I am following the instructions from . However, I am not even able retrieve the soure code successfully. The inital command “git clone git:// qt5” completed successfully. But the next command “perl init-repository” failed with the following error information:

    + git submodule init 0 [main] us 0 init_cheap: VirtualAlloc pointer is null, Win32 error 487
    AllocationBase 0×0, BaseAddress 0×68560000, RegionSize 0×170000, State 0×10000
    c:\program files (x86)\git\bin\sh.exe: *** Couldn’t reserve space for cygwin’s h
    eap, Win32 error 0
    git submodule init exited with status 256 at init-repository line 268. Qt::InitRepository::exe(‘Qt::InitRepository= HASH’, ‘git’, ‘sub
    module’, ‘init’) called at init-repository line 373 Qt::InitRepository::git_submodule_init(‘Qt:: InitRepository=HASH’) called at init-repository line 569 Qt::InitRepository::run(‘Qt::InitRepository= HASH’) called at i
    nit-repository line 590

    I am using msysgit (Git for Windows), Active Perl 5.16.3 and Python 3.3.0.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
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    Default Re: Git failed when attempting to retrieving qt5 source code for compiling under Wind

    Did you try this?
    But I'm using same git version on windows 7 & 8 without having any issue.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Git failed when attempting to retrieving qt5 source code for compiling under Wind

    Somehow after rebooting my PC, the problem is gone.

    Now I am stuck at the configuration phase. I am using the following command

    >configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -nomake examples -nomake tests -mp

    I see the following error messages at the end:

    Generating Visual Studio project files...
    Project WARNING: You should probably load(qt_build_config) first in
    o for QtBootstrap, as the latter also load()s qt_module.
    Project MESSAGE: Not doing so may lead to qt_module.prf overriding compiler/link
    er options in your .pro file.
    Project MESSAGE: Ignore this warning with CONFIG+=no_qt_module_warning if you kn
    ow what you are doing.
    Project ERROR: Project has no top-level .qmake.conf file.
    Qmake failed, return code 3

    Generating Makefiles...
    *** qtbase/configure exited with non-zero status.

    Quote Originally Posted by dasun View Post
    Did you try this?
    But I'm using same git version on windows 7 & 8 without having any issue.

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