In my Linux 2.6 machine using Qt 4.7.4, default wrapping of QToolTip for long text in QTableView works fine i.e. the rich text gets wrapped at word-breaks according to min-width (although whitespaces get squeezed but that is not the bother right now).

I want to wrap at character-level instead of word-level eg in here: ,
there is a LOC self.set_wrap_mode('character' if enable else None) [which "looks" like it wraps at character-level instead of word-level]

To put it another way (,
QString text = "Some text: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
should be displayed in tooltip as:
| Some text: aaaa |
| aaaaaaaaaaaaa |
whereas it is displayed as
. | Some text: |
. | aaaaaaaaaaaaaa(rest of the word is truncated because of screen resolution/size, which I want to cure!) |
