i use the function just like example->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::blue));
so ,er ... I want to disable that in my program.So..how to do that ?
i use the function just like example->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::blue));
so ,er ... I want to disable that in my program.So..how to do that ?
hi lazy_learner,
what you want to disable? setBrush() function?
if you dont want then comment it
Did you really ask for how to remove a line from your code ?Qt Code:
sed -i -e '/setBrush/d' YourPlot.cppTo copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
ha ha cute UWE
I mean some kind of close it. If i fill the area between the base line and the curve,i want to create a function to er... "disable"? it
how stupid i am !!!!!!!
Just check the Qt docs before asking. That will save lot of time and effort (both for you and us)