Hi all,
I have set a gradient-background for my QwtPlot and set all Stylesheets of the Widgets, of which QwtPlot consists of, to "background: transparent", to have a consistent gradient.
But I guess since 6.1 this does not work with QwtLegend anymore - displayed is the color of the QwtPlots parent, not of QwtPlot itself. To work around that, I have set the same gradient to QFrame, which works if the Legend is aligned to the Plot and the heights fit (because Legend is aligned right and gradient has both x-Values on 0) - but in most cases (when there are not enough items displayed inside the Legend) it does not. Therefore I wanted to subclass QwtPlotLayout and just pass the PlotRect, instead of the CanvasRect, when calling the alignLegend function inside the activate function.

Although I have done a lot of sublassing classes when workking with Qwt, I am stuck here, because a lot of private d_data is initialized in this function and the functions mentionend in the Docs do not provide all the information the d_data-struct has.

I hope I did not miss something basic :/

Some directions to sublass QwtPlotLayout, or some other Solution to let the QwtLegend show QwtPlots-background in transparent mode would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance