Hi All,

I am working on a blackberry application. Developing Blacberry 10 OS apps is based on Qt. I am processing image data with the following method

Qt Code:
  1. #include "ImageProcessor.hpp"
  3. ImageProcessor::ImageProcessor(const QByteArray &imageData, QObject *parent) :
  4. QObject(parent), m_data(imageData) {
  5. }
  7. void ImageProcessor::start() {
  8. QImage image;
  10. //QByteArray img_32bit = m_data.repeated(4);
  11. image.loadFromData(m_data); //QImage::Format_Indexed8
  14. image = image.scaled(256, 256, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding);
  16. // Image processing goes here, example could be adding water mark to the downloaded image
  18. emit finished(image);
  19. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

My images all appear black. After debuging, i noticed m_data contain this bytes

Details:"\211PNG\\r\\n\\032\\n" = {[0] = -119 '\211', [1] = 80 'P', [2] = 78 'N', [3] = 71 'G', [4] = 13 '\\r', [5] = 10 '\\n', [6] = 26 '\\032', [7] = 10 '\\n', [8] = 0 '\\000', [9] = 0 '\\000', [10] = 0 '\\000', [11] = 13 '\\r', [12] = 73 'I', [13] = 72 'H', [14] = 68 'D', [15] = 82 'R', [16] = 0 '\\000', [17] = 0 '\\000', [18] = 1 '\\001', [19] = 0 '\\000', [20] = 0 '\\000', [21] = 0 '\\000', [22] = 1 '\\001', [23] = 0 '\\000', [24] = 8 '\\b', [25] = 3 '\\003', [26] = 0 '\\000', [27] = 0 '\\000', [28] = 0 '\\000', [29] = 107 'k', [30] = -84 '\254', [31] = 88 'X', [32] = 84 'T', [33] = 0 '\\000', [34] = 0 '\\000', [35] = 0 '\\000', [36] = 6 '\\006', [37] = 80 'P', [38] = 76 'L', [39] = 84 'T', [40] = 69 'E', [41] = -71 '\271', [42] = -49 '\317', [43] = -21 '\353', [44] = -1 '\\377', [45] = -1 '\\377', [46] = -1 '\\377', [47] = -14 '\362', [48] = 39 '\\'', [49] = 100 'd', [50] = 83 'S', [51] = 0 '\\000', [52] = 0 '\\000', [53] = 0 '\\000', [54] = 84 'T', [55] = 73 'I', [56] = 68 'D', [57] = 65 'A', [58] = 84 'T', [59] = 24 '\\030', [60] = 25 '\\031', [61] = -19 '\355', [62] = -63 '\301', [63] = 1 '\\001', [64] = 1 '\\001', [65] = 0 '\\000', [66] = 0 '\\000', [67] = 0 '\\000', [68] = -128 '\\200', [69] = -112 '\\220', [70] = -2 '\376', [71] = -81 '\257', [72] = -18 '\356', [73] = 8 '\\b', [74] = 10 '\\n', [75] = 0 '\\000', [76] = 0 '\\000', [77] = 0 '\\000', [78] = 0 '\\000', [79] = 0 '\\000', [80] = 0 '\\000', [81] = 0 '\\000', [82] = 0 '\\000', [83] = 0 '\\000', [84] = 0 '\\000', [85] = 0 '\\000', [86] = 0 '\\000', [87] = 0 '\\000', [88] = 0 '\\000', [89] = 0 '\\000', [90] = 0 '\\000', [91] = 0 '\\000', [92] = 0 '\\000', [93] = 0 '\\000', [94] = 0 '\\000', [95] = 0 '\\000', [96] = 0 '\\000', [97] = 0 '\\000', [98] = 0 '\\000', [99] = 0 '\\000', [100] = 0 '\\000', [101] = 0 '\\000', [102] = 0 '\\000', [103] = 0 '\\000', [104] = 0 '\\000', [105] = 0 '\\000', [106] = 0 '\\000', [107] = 0 '\\000', [108] = 0 '\\000', [109] = 0 '\\000', [110] = 0 '\\000', [111] = 0 '\\000', [112] = 0 '\\000', [113] = 0 '\\000', [114] = 0 '\\000', [115] = 0 '\\000', [116] = 0 '\\000', [117] = 0 '\\000', [118] = 0 '\\000', [119] = 0 '\\000', [120] = 0 '\\000', [121] = 0 '\\000', [122] = 0 '\\000', [123] = 0 '\\000', [124] = 0 '\\000', [125] = 0 '\\000', [126] = 0 '\\000', [127] = 0 '\\000', [128] = 0 '\\000', [129] = 0 '\\000', [130] = 0 '\\000', [131] = 0 '\\000', [132] = 0 '\\000', [133] = 0 '\\000', [134] = 0 '\\000', [135] = 0 '\\000', [136] = 0 '\\000', [137] = 0 '\\000', [138] = 24 '\\030', [139] = 1 '\\001', [140] = 15 '\\017', [141] = 0 '\\000', [142] = 1 '\\001', [143] = -84 '\254', [144] = -14 '\362', [145] = 112 'p', [146] = -78 '\262', [147] = 0 '\\000', [148] = 0 '\\000', [149] = 0 '\\000', [150] = 0 '\\000', [151] = 73 'I', [152] = 69 'E', [153] = 78 'N', [154] = 68 'D', [155] = -82 '\256', [156] = 66 'B', [157] = 96 '`', [158] = -126 '\202'}

can someone help explain to me what is wrong and how to go about it.
