Hi everyone,
i'm developing with qt by 6 months.
i've just developed a dll under windows using qt creator 2.7.0 with qt 5.02 compiling with MinGW 4.7 32bit and then i link it in vb.net project with a wrapper made in c#.
The library use stcall to face the functions to the wrapper and my application goes fine on 64bit operating system (windows 7 and windows 8 tested)
if i run my application under windows xp 32bit operating systems i receive the following error:

System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'QTRender.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at dmg.renderImport.DllInterface.DrawTextGiottoFix(By te[] c, Int32& width, Int32& height, Single& fontSize, Int32 letterSpacing, Int32 wordSpacing, Int32 fontWeight, Byte[] Testo, Int32 lenTesto, Byte[] fontName, Int32 lenFontName, Int32 Rfore, Int32 Gfore, Int32 Bfore, Int32 Afore, Int32 Rshadow, Int32 Gshadow, Int32 Bshadow, Int32 Ashadow, QthAlign hAlign, QtvAlign vAlign)
at QTRenderWrapper.Wrapper.DrawImageFix(String Testo, Int32& width, Int32& height, Single& fontSize, Int32 letterSpacing, Int32 wordSpacing, Int32 fontWeight, String Fontname, Int32 lenFontName, Int32 Rfore, Int32 Gfore, Int32 Bfore, Int32 Afore, Int32 Rshadow, Int32 Gshadow, Int32 Bshadow, Int32 Ashadow, QthAlign hAlign, QtvAlign vAlign)

i can't understand why, it's almost a month i'm crashing my head upon this!
please someone could help me?
tell me if you need other details.

thank you