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Thread: Moving to QtQuick2.0: use of QQuickItem in a QGraphicsScene

  1. #1
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    Default Moving to QtQuick2.0: use of QQuickItem in a QGraphicsScene


    my application consist of a QGraphicsView with a scene containing a huge amount of QGraphicsItems. I found it useful to support QDeclarativeItems, so what i have done until now is creating of QDeclarativeItems and add them to a QGraphicsScene.
    With moving forward to QtQuick 2.0 ( Qt 5.1 ) this is no more possible. The QDeclarativeItem, derived from QGraphicsObject is substituted by QQuickItem, derived from QObject. So a QQuickItem can not be added to a scene.
    How can i achieve that? Or there something i obviously misunderstood?

    Best regards
    lunatic fringe

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Moving to QtQuick2.0: use of QQuickItem in a QGraphicsScene

    QGraphicsView/QDeclarativeView and QQuickView are both similar in that they show a scene of items, but they have very different implementations so they cannot share items.

    QDeclarativeView and QQuickView build the scene by reading a QML document and creating instances of type found in the document. That can be built-in types, e.g. "Text" or custom types (derived from QDeclarativeItem or QQuickItem respectively), registered through plugins or by the application itself using qmlRegisterType().

    So moving from a QDeclarativeView to a QQuickView with custom elements should involve mostly rebasing the custom types from QDeclarativeItem to QQuickItem (or more likely QQuickPaintedItem).


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