Hi, all:

Another naive question.

I'm using Ubuntu 12.10+Qt Creator 2.5.2 Based on Qt 4.8.2 (32 bit)
I'm trying to design a slider with interval 2, starting from 1 and ending in 9.
Namely, I hope the possible values obtained while I'm dragging the slider are:
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (all odd numbers)

And, my code in the produced ui file is copied as follows:
Qt Code:
  1. horizontalSlider_aperturesize = new QSlider(edgedetectiondialog_laplacian);
  2. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("horizontalSlider_aperturesize"));
  3. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setGeometry(QRect(150, 20, 180, 30));
  4. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setMinimum(1);
  5. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setMaximum(9);
  6. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setSingleStep(2);
  7. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setPageStep(3);
  8. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setValue(3);
  9. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
  10. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow);
  11. horizontalSlider_aperturesize->setTickInterval(2);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I really can't see anything wrong, but my later-on code went wrong because I got 4 from the slider reading (obviously, this is an even number, which is out of my expectation.)

Any suggestions on how to avoid such mistakes?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards