Quote Originally Posted by Santosh Reddy View Post
1. How many such "Node 0" are expeted (How many rows)?
2. Can they change from some background event, or only user can change them?
3. If some back ground event changed the slider values, do you need to update the slider values on scenn?
1. That depends on how many such "nodes" happen to be present in the scene. The user will load a scene with a map, which is made up of 0 or more nodes and/or edges.
2. Only the user can edit the node locations/orientations through this menu (at least as I envision it now).
3. Probably not applicable due to 2., but in such an event, yes.

This might make things a little more clear. The entire widget for editing nodes looks like this. The upper scroll area is the one I'm concerned with now:
