class Qmailf;
/// 6 okt. 2013 save on svn
/// great this to push class on qvariant
template <class T> class VPtr {
return (T *) v.value<void *>();
return qVariantFromValue((void *) ptr);
MyClass *p;
QVariant v = VPtr<MyClass>::asQVariant(p);
MyClass *p1 = VPtr<MyClass>::asPtr(v);
* MMime::MimeTypes help;
class Qmailf;
/// 6 okt. 2013 save on svn
/// great this to push class on qvariant
template <class T> class VPtr {
static T* asPtr(QVariant v) {
return (T *) v.value<void *>();
static QVariant asQVariant(T* ptr) {
return qVariantFromValue((void *) ptr);
MyClass *p;
QVariant v = VPtr<MyClass>::asQVariant(p);
MyClass *p1 = VPtr<MyClass>::asPtr(v);
* MMime::MimeTypes help;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
class Qmailf {
Qmailf(int id) : chunk(""), mime("txt"), file("file.txt"), ext("txt"), uuid(id) {
void SetChunk(const QByteArray& x) {
chunk = x;
///// qDebug() << "incomming <" << uuid << "> ";
/// set mime automatic
/// todo filename resolver from header && id from inline image
meta_header = x;
MMime::MimeTypes help;
mime = help.Contenttype_Resolver(x);
ext = help.MimeFromContent(mime);
file = def;
/// no make file or db take the chunk from mail and send at the right place
void SetFile
(const QString dfile
) { MMime::MimeTypes fmime;
file = fi.fileName();
ext = fi.suffix();
mime = fmime.value(ext);
return chunk;
return mime;
int Uid() {
return uuid;
return file;
void Info() {
qDebug() << "Content-Type:" << Mime() << " - " << Filename();
qDebug() << "Meta:" << meta_header;
qDebug() << "Body first 28 chunk:" << text.mid(0,20).simplified();
QByteArray chunk;
// base64 encoded or other meta_heade having info QString meta_header;
/// meta info to create a file or o drupal node int uuid;
typedef QMap<int, QVariant> Attach_File_Map;
/// from this can create
/// mail dir format or other
/// i need to convert on drupal node and send on cms
struct ICmail {
quint64 uuid;
quint64 multipart;
QString sender;
//// long chunk history from one mail QString md5;
/// from incomming file server QString html;
// image inline base64 encodet QMap<int, QVariant> alist;
/// todo a textstream for console to insert chort info from this mail
inline QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& out, const ICmail& mail) {
out << mail.from;
out << mail.subject;
out << mail.md5;
out <<;
out << mail.boundary;
return out;
inline QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& in, ICmail& mail) {
in >> mail.from;
in >> mail.subject;
in >> mail.md5;
in >>;
in >> mail.boundary;
return in;
<< mail.txt << ",\n"
<< mail.html << ",\n"
inline QDebug &operator <<(QDebug debug, const ICmail &mail) {
debug.nospace() << "ICmail{start(\n"
<< mail.from << ",\n"
<< mail.subject << ",\nContent-Transfer-Encoding:"
<< mail.transferencoding << "\n,"
<< << "\n,"
<< mail.boundary << "\n,"
<< mail.multipart << "\n,\nRoot cmd Content-Type:\n"
<< mail.root_cmd << ")end}\n";
class Qmailf {
Qmailf(int id) : chunk(""), mime("txt"), file("file.txt"), ext("txt"), uuid(id) {
void SetChunk(const QByteArray& x) {
chunk = x;
///// qDebug() << "incomming <" << uuid << "> ";
/// set mime automatic
/// todo filename resolver from header && id from inline image
void SetMeta(const QString x) {
meta_header = x;
MMime::MimeTypes help;
mime = help.Contenttype_Resolver(x);
ext = help.MimeFromContent(mime);
QString def(QString("mail_header_%1.%2").arg(uuid).arg(ext));
file = def;
/// no make file or db take the chunk from mail and send at the right place
void SetFile(const QString dfile) {
MMime::MimeTypes fmime;
QFileInfo fi(dfile);
file = fi.fileName();
ext = fi.suffix();
mime = fmime.value(ext);
QByteArray Chunk() {
return chunk;
QString Mime() {
return mime;
int Uid() {
return uuid;
QString Filename() {
return file;
void Info() {
QByteArray text = QByteArray::fromBase64(chunk);
qDebug() << "Content-Type:" << Mime() << " - " << Filename();
qDebug() << "Meta:" << meta_header;
qDebug() << "Body first 28 chunk:" << text.mid(0,20).simplified();
QByteArray chunk; // base64 encoded or other meta_heade having info
QString mime;
QString meta_header; /// meta info to create a file or o drupal node
QString file;
QString ext;
int uuid;
typedef QMap<int, QVariant> Attach_File_Map;
/// from this can create
/// mail dir format or other
/// i need to convert on drupal node and send on cms
struct ICmail {
quint64 uuid;
QString msgid;
quint64 multipart;
QString sender; //// long chunk history from one mail
QString md5; /// from incomming file server
QString from;
QString to;
QString subject;
QByteArray charcodec;
QString transferencoding;
QString language;
QString date;
QString txt;
QString html; // image inline base64 encodet
QString master;
QString boundary;
QString root_cmd;
QMap<int, QVariant> alist;
operator QVariant() const {
return QVariant::fromValue(*this);
/// todo a textstream for console to insert chort info from this mail
inline QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& out, const ICmail& mail) {
out << mail.from;
out << mail.subject;
out << mail.md5;
out <<;
out << mail.boundary;
return out;
inline QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& in, ICmail& mail) {
in >> mail.from;
in >> mail.subject;
in >> mail.md5;
in >>;
in >> mail.boundary;
return in;
<< mail.txt << ",\n"
<< mail.html << ",\n"
inline QDebug &operator <<(QDebug debug, const ICmail &mail) {
debug.nospace() << "ICmail{start(\n"
<< mail.from << ",\n"
<< mail.subject << ",\nContent-Transfer-Encoding:"
<< mail.transferencoding << "\n,"
<< << "\n,"
<< mail.boundary << "\n,"
<< mail.multipart << "\n,\nRoot cmd Content-Type:\n"
<< mail.root_cmd << ")end}\n";
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode