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Thread: Waterfall plot without interpolation

  1. #1

    Question Waterfall plot without interpolation


    I have been trying to avoid crying for help since I thought I was going to be able to implement my waterfall like plot using QwtPlotSpectrogram but things are not going as planned!

    I need to plot horizontal bars in which each bar is divided into squares according to the number of variables that I receive externally. What I need is that each square will have a precise color according to a colour map and not according to some kind of interpolation between the points!

    So far I have tried using QwtSpectrogram with no luck and (as suggested in another thread) QwtPlotSpectroCurve with a bit more success but while the y-dimension of my squares are ok (I am using a big PendWidth) I can't manage to change the 'dimension' of the x coordinate for each square.

    Thanks in advance.

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    Default Re: Waterfall plot without interpolation

    How are the geometries of the bar and of the squares inside the bar related to the x,y axes ?


  3. #3

    Default Re: Waterfall plot without interpolation

    Hi, thanks for replying and sorry for replying so late!

    I am trying to get an horizontal bars that spans the x axis. The y-axis should be the time.
    I've used a Qvector of QwtPoint3D where in each point x is between 0 and the number of variables I have in the data, y is time and, z is the data.

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    Default Re: Waterfall plot without interpolation

    Guess using QwtPlotSpectrogram with QwtPlotMatrixData should be an easy way to implement this. See the rasterview example.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Waterfall plot without interpolation

    Ok. Will try it.
    Thanks for the help, I'll post again if I get stuck!


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