It's an old thread, but my internet search turned it up so for other travellers I thought it'd be helpful to translate anda_skoa's suggestion into code:
// in dialog class definition in header file
private slot:
void on_reset_clicked();
// in the dialog cpp file:
#include <QPushButton>
// in dialog contructor:
()) ...
// and finally the clicked method
void on_reset_clicked()
// Your code here
// in dialog class definition in header file
private slot:
void on_reset_clicked();
// in the dialog cpp file:
#include <QPushButton>
// in dialog contructor:
connect(ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Reset), SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(on_reset_clicked())
// and finally the clicked method
void on_reset_clicked()
// Your code here
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