
I'm having some trouble trying to run my new app outside QtCreator in all tested computers besides my home's one, where everything works fine.

To be more precise, each time I try to run the .exe outside Qt Creator using Qt 5.1.0 compiled dinamically with MinGW in a folder where all the necessary dlls are included - as far as I know, that is, as far as Windows and my experience with Qt tells me) the same "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error" appears.
In one of such computers I even have Qt and everything else installed and even trying to run a basic mainwindow software doesn't work - so I know that this is not a consequence of my new app having more complexity; no software done in Qt is working in this machine. I also installed some other software previously done in Qt that worked quite well and they don't work here for the same reason.

Trying to solve this problem, I installed the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime lib on the mentioned computer, without success. Doing some research I found the thread http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/5322...-Library-error , where Chris suggest that mingwm10.dll is lacking. Indeed, I don't have this file on the folder but Windows don't warn me about that and neither I could find it in the Qt installation folder.

So why is any Qt based app being prevented to run outside Qt creator in this PC I'm trying to? Remembering that at home, everything runs fine, and this PC does have Qt installed.

I'm glad for any help,
