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Thread: A checkbox only column in QTableView

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    Default A checkbox only column in QTableView


    I have table in Sqlite database which I display using QTableview and QSqlQueryModel. The first column needs to have a header which is a checkbox and all the items in the column needs to be checkbox too. Since the checkbox needs to be centered, I need to use a delegate to paint it.

    I have painted checkbox using the following code. This creates checkboxes, but they cannot be checked or unchecked.

    Qt Code:
    1. static QRect CheckBoxRect(const QStyleOptionViewItem &view_item_style_options) {
    2. QStyleOptionButton check_box_style_option;
    3. QRect check_box_rect = QApplication::style()->subElementRect(
    4. QStyle::SE_CheckBoxIndicator,
    5. &check_box_style_option);
    6. QPoint check_box_point(view_item_style_options.rect.x() +
    7. view_item_style_options.rect.width() / 2 -
    8. check_box_rect.width() / 2,
    9. view_item_style_options.rect.y() +
    10. view_item_style_options.rect.height() / 2 -
    11. check_box_rect.height() / 2);
    12. return QRect(check_box_point, check_box_rect.size());
    13. }
    16. CheckBoxDelegate::CheckBoxDelegate(QObject *parent) :
    17. QStyledItemDelegate(parent)
    18. {
    19. }
    21. void CheckBoxDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter,
    22. const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
    23. const QModelIndex &index) const {
    24. bool checked = index.model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toBool();
    26. QStyleOptionButton check_box_style_option;
    27. check_box_style_option.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
    28. if (checked) {
    29. check_box_style_option.state |= QStyle::State_On;
    30. } else {
    31. check_box_style_option.state |= QStyle::State_Off;
    32. }
    33. check_box_style_option.rect = CheckBoxRect(option);
    35. QApplication::style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_CheckBox,
    36. &check_box_style_option,
    37. painter);
    38. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    I still do not have a clear idea how to go about it. I read somewhere that I need to re-implement data(), setdata() and flags() of QSqlQueryModel. The following code shows how I use the QSqlQueryModel for QTableView. Could you please tell me how to go about it? Any help is appreciated.

    Qt Code:
    1. //Load the tableview with the database table
    3. //Initializaton of the query
    4. QSqlQuery *query = new QSqlQuery(dbm->db);
    6. query->prepare("SELECT * FROM UserData");
    8. if(query->exec())
    9. {
    10. model->setQuery(*query);
    11. ui->tableView->setModel(model);
    13. //The header delegate to paint a checkbox on the header
    14. HeaderDelegate *myHeader = new HeaderDelegate(Qt::Horizontal, ui->tableView);
    15. ui->tableView->setHorizontalHeader(myHeader);
    17. int RowCount = model->rowCount();
    19. qDebug() << RowCount;
    21. CheckBoxDelegate *myCheckBoxDelegate = new CheckBoxDelegate();
    23. for(int i = 0; i <model->rowCount(); i++)
    24. {
    25. ui->tableView->setItemDelegateForColumn(0,myCheckBoxDelegate);
    26. }
    28. ui->tableView->horizontalHeader()->setClickable(true);
    30. ui->tableView->setSortingEnabled(true);
    31. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Last edited by gfernandes; 28th January 2014 at 13:00.

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