I am trying to highlight the item in my list upon the input of the text in the LineEdit but however, not only am I unable to get it to work but it also does not highlights the item in the List. Am I writing it wrong somewhere? Any advices?

Qt Code:
  1. fruitsList = QListWidget()
  2. list01 = ['Apple','Pear','Orange','Grape','Lychee']
  3. self.fruitsList.addItems(list01)
  5. textInput = QLineEdit()
  6. fruitTxt = str(textInput)
  8. self.connect(self.textInput,('returnPressed()'), self.updateSelect)
  10. def updateSelect(self):
  11. self.fruitsList.findItems(str(fruitTxt), flags = Qt.MatchExactly)
  12. self.fruitsList.setCurrentIndex(0)
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