I´m new to the forum a relatively new to Qt.
I´m trying to develop a programme able to display (first) and send/receive/display (in later stages) the video from a webcam.
I´m using OpenCV libraries for getting the picture, which is able to display the video with its own GUI. However, I need to use something based on Qt since this code will have to be part of some mayor Qt proyect.
It seems that OpenGL is the fastest way to display IplImages (the format OpenCV uses), better than using a conversion to QImage and using Qt itself. However, there comes my first question. I might be using jpeg to save BW when sending the pics, so, given OpenCV can store the IplImage as a jpeg image, I could also try to display jpeg images. I know that it´s possible to convert from jpeg to glformat using convertToGLFormat. But I don´t know if this whole process takes so much time as to get up to 25 frames per second.
On the other hand, I don´t know how exactly write the OpenGL code. I know I should use a paintGL method to say what show be done when painting, I´m trying to use glDrawPixels, but I don´t know how to make it paint every some miliseconds. I think it show be done with updateGL and a QTimer, but I´m not sure. How does exactly updateGL() works?