
I work on a storyboard program.
In line 3-10, I make a series of png-images (640x480 pix), and numbers them "im_00001.png", "im_00002.png" etc. That part works fine.
Qt Code:
  1. void animatic::exportAnimatic()
  2. {
  3. int teller = 1;
  4. for (int i = 0; i < pixmapList.size();i++){
  5. QImage image = pixmapList[i].toImage();
  6. for (int j = 0;j < infoList[i][frames].toInt();j++){
  7. image.save(projFilePath + sceneDir + "/" + sceneDir +
  8. tr("_%1.png","DO NOT TRANSLATE").arg(QString::number(teller),5,'0'));
  9. teller += 1;
  10. }
  11. }
  12. sl << "-i " + projFilePath + sceneDir + "/" + sceneDir + "_%5d.png";
  13. QString sr;
  14. sl << "-r " + sr.setNum(fps) ;
  15. sl << projFilePath + sceneDir + "/" + sceneDir + ".mp4";
  16. qDebug() << sl;
  17. proc.start("ffmpeg",sl);
  18. int c = 1;
  19. while (proc.state() > 0) {
  20. sleep(5);
  21. qDebug() << proc.state() << c;
  22. c+=1;
  23. }
  24. qDebug() << proc.state() << " at the end...";
  25. qDebug() << proc.exitCode() << " exitcode";
  26. qDebug() << proc.error() << " error";
  27. qDebug() << proc.errorString() << " errorstring";
  28. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
It works fine untill it starts the proc (QProcess).
Here are the debug-messages:
Qt Code:
  1. ("-i /home/david/tegnefilm/david2/h3/h3_%5d.png", "-r 25", "/home/david/tegnefilm/david2/h3/h3.mp4")
  2. 2 1 (while-loop)
  3. 2 2 (while-loop)
  4. 0 3 (while-loop)
  5. 0 at the end...
  6. 1 exitcode
  7. 5 error
  8. "Ukendt fejl" errorstring ("Unknown error")
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
If I run:
ffmpeg -i /home/david/tegnefilm/david2/h3/h3_%5d.png -r 25 /home/david/tegnefilm/david2/h3/h3.mp4
in a terminal, it produces a fine mp4-file.
ffmpeg is in the path. I have run the the command from several positions, and it produces a mp4-video every time.
I have also tried to write "/usr/bin/ffmpeg" as the command in line 18, but with the same error messages.
Can anyone help here?