I've researched this extensively but haven't found a satisfactory solution yet:

How do I append text at the end of QTextEdit widget without triggering a scroll to the bottom of the widget when either of these conditions is met:

  1. The user has selected some text.
  2. The user has scrolled away from the bottom.

(In all other cases, a scroll to the bottom of the QTextEdit widget should be triggered.)

Here is the code I'm currently using to append text at the bottom of a QTextEdit widget:

Qt Code:
  1. const QTextCursor old_cursor = widget.textCursor();
  3. widget.moveCursor(QTextCursor::End);
  4. widget.textCursor().insertText(text);
  6. if (old_cursor.hasSelection())
  7. widget.setTextCursor(old_cursor);
  8. else widget.moveCursor(QTextCursor::End);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
This partially takes care of condition 1: the problem is that the view will still scroll until only the last line of the selection is visible, at which point it will indeed stop scrolling.

Condition 2 is not taken care of at all: some posts suggest to save the position of the vertical scrollbar and restore it after the text was appended, however I don't think this is correct since the scrollbar should move upward when text is appended, even though the view stays still.

Note that I'm using QTextCursor::insertText() instead of QTextEdit::append() because I need to adjust the color of the text being appended, regardless of whether the user has selected text or not.

Any help greatly appreciated!