The middle line edit is only editable under certain circumstances - I left widgets in so the full start-up conditions were the same.

The provided GUI wouldn't open (Designer)/compile (Creator) in my environment (Qt 4.6.3, RHEL 5.5, KDE desktop):

uic: Error in line 405, column 39 : Unexpected attribute alignment

I removed alignment="Qt::AlignRight" and built the app.

The focus issue is still present.

I commented out the move dialog and forced focus lines. No change.

Under my environment, the first mouse click just gets focus on the GUI and does not cause any action. The second mouse click, and beyond, function as they should. The original test app, compiled/run under Windows 7 does not have the problem - Linux only.

From my previous investigations, different Linux window managers process things differently than Windows and also differently among various Linux versions. Thus my hunt to force focus, etc.

Thank you for your efforts.