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Thread: External legend update and resize.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question External legend update and resize.


    I have searched through the existing questions on this form and have not found anything on this specific issue. I've spent quite a bit of time on this so ANY help would be greatly appriciated.

    We have implemented an external legend in a qwtPlot as follows (I believe this is fairly standard implementation):

    class AbstractPlotBase : public QwtPlot


    void AbstractPlotBase::setLegend( const LegendSettingOption& legendOption )
    // Every time when set legend, removing the previous legend and
    // inserting a new legend is to create a proper legend items
    // configuration in a correction direction(horizontal/vertical).
    // This way is also to ensure the legend size can be kept as minimum.
    QRect legendRect(0,0,0,0);
    if( legend() )
    legendRect = legend()->contentsRect();

    insertLegend( 0 );

    if ( legendOption.isDisplayed() )
    if ( legendOption.positionMode() == ExternalLegend )
    if ( legend() )
    insertLegend( NULL );

    if ( _externalLegend == NULL )
    _externalLegend = new Legend( this, true );

    connect( _externalLegend, SIGNAL( legendClicked() ), this, SLOT( legendClickedSlot() ) );
    connect( _externalLegend, SIGNAL( legendMoved() ), this, SLOT( legendMovedSlot() ) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( legendDataChanged( const QVariant &, const QList<QwtLegendData> & ) ), _externalLegend, SLOT( onLegendChanged( const QVariant &, const QList<QwtLegendData> & ) ) );

    QwtDynGridLayout *tl = qobject_cast<QwtDynGridLayout *>( _externalLegend->contentsWidget()->layout() );
    tl->setMaxColumns( 1 );

    _externalLegend->move( ( width() - legendRect.width() ) * legendOption.hPosition(),
    ( height() - legendRect.height() ) * legendOption.vPosition() );

    updateLegend(); // call before show()
    delete _externalLegend;
    _externalLegend = NULL;
    if ( legend() == NULL || plotLayout()->legendPosition() != qwtLegendPosition( legendOption.positionMode() ) )
    Legend* tempLegend = new Legend( this, false );
    connect( tempLegend, SIGNAL( legendClicked() ), this, SLOT( legendClickedSlot() ) );
    insertLegend( tempLegend, qwtLegendPosition( legendOption.positionMode() ) );
    insertLegend( NULL );
    delete _externalLegend;
    _externalLegend = NULL;

    where we have defined the following legend class:

    class Legend : public QwtLegend

    Legend(QWidget* parent, bool isExternal);

    QPoint boundedPosition( const QPoint& pos, const QSize& UsedObjSize ) const;
    void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e );
    void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e );
    void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e );

    public slots:
    void onLegendChanged( const QVariant& itemInfo, const QList<QwtLegendData>& data )
    updateLegend( itemInfo, data );

    void legendClicked();
    void legendMoved();

    bool _isLegendSelectedForMoving;
    QPoint _offsetPos;
    bool _isExternal;

    The resulting external legend behaves exactly as expected in all but one case. If we set the legend to external then add a new line to the plot, the legend is not resized. Instead it remains the same size and becomes a scroll box.

    We therefore tried modifying the onLegendChanged(...) slot so as to manually resize the legend after updating, as follows:

    public slots:
    void onLegendChanged( const QVariant& itemInfo, const QList<QwtLegendData>& data )
    updateLegend( itemInfo, data );
    resize( sizeHint().width(), sizeHint().height() );

    However, this does not work as the sizeHints being returned become invalid after the new line is added. Specifically, the sizeHint() becomes a QSize( 0, X ) value. We have tried overriding the legends sizeHint() and minimumSizeHint() to return contentsWidget()->sizeHint() but this shows the same behaviour. Thus it appears as though adding a new line to the plot corrupts the external legends contentsWidget(). Replacing onLegendChanged with the following extensive debug reporting equivalent:

    void onLegendChanged( const QVariant& itemInfo, const QList<QwtLegendData>& data )
    QList<QWidget *> widgetList = legendWidgets( itemInfo );
    qDebug() << "-------------------------------" << endl;
    qDebug() << "widgetList.size() = " << widgetList.size() << endl;
    qDebug() << "data.size() = " << data.size() << endl;

    qDebug() << "sizeHint before update = " << sizeHint() << endl;
    updateLegend( itemInfo, data );
    resize( sizeHint().width(), sizeHint().height() );
    qDebug() << "sizeHint after update = " << sizeHint() << endl;
    qDebug() << "contentsWidget()->sizeHint = " << contentsWidget()->sizeHint() << endl;

    produces the following output (showing correct behaviour) when I switch from top right docked legend to an external legend:

    Debug: -------------------------------
    Debug: widgetList.size() = 0
    Debug: data.size() = 0
    Debug: sizeHint before update = QSize(-1, 0)
    Debug: sizeHint after update = QSize(-1, 0)
    Debug: contentsWidget()->sizeHint = QSize(-1, 0)

    Debug: -------------------------------
    Debug: widgetList.size() = 0
    Debug: data.size() = 1
    Debug: sizeHint before update = QSize(-1, 0)
    Debug: sizeHint after update = QSize(76, 20)
    Debug: contentsWidget()->sizeHint = QSize(76, 20)

    Next, adding a new line to the plot produced the following:

    Debug: -------------------------------
    Debug: widgetList.size() = 1
    Debug: data.size() = 1
    Debug: sizeHint before update = QSize(76, 20)
    Debug: sizeHint after update = QSize(76, 20)
    Debug: contentsWidget()->sizeHint = QSize(76, 20)

    Debug: -------------------------------
    Debug: widgetList.size() = 1
    Debug: data.size() = 0
    Debug: sizeHint before update = QSize(76, 20)
    Debug: sizeHint after update = QSize(-1, 0)
    Debug: contentsWidget()->sizeHint = QSize(-1, 0)

    Debug: -------------------------------
    Debug: widgetList.size() = 0
    Debug: data.size() = 1
    Debug: sizeHint before update = QSize(-1, 0)
    Debug: sizeHint after update = QSize(0, 0)
    Debug: contentsWidget()->sizeHint = QSize(0, 0)

    Debug: -------------------------------
    Debug: widgetList.size() = 0
    Debug: data.size() = 1
    Debug: sizeHint before update = QSize(0, 0)
    Debug: sizeHint after update = QSize(0, 6)
    Debug: contentsWidget()->sizeHint = QSize(0, 6)

    Debug: -------------------------------
    Debug: widgetList.size() = 1
    Debug: data.size() = 1
    Debug: sizeHint before update = QSize(0, 6)
    Debug: sizeHint after update = QSize(0, 6)
    Debug: contentsWidget()->sizeHint = QSize(0, 6)

    Debug: -------------------------------
    Debug: widgetList.size() = 1
    Debug: data.size() = 1
    Debug: sizeHint before update = QSize(0, 6)
    Debug: sizeHint after update = QSize(0, 6)
    Debug: contentsWidget()->sizeHint = QSize(0, 6)

    I therefore have two specific questions: do I need to resize the legend manually as shown, or have I missed something? If I do need to resize the legend, how do I correctly interrogate the widget size?

    Thanks for taking the time to read,


    .... I should add, I'm using qwt 6.1 and qt5
    Last edited by ddm; 10th April 2014 at 17:17.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: External legend update and resize.

    Without a small compilable demo it is hard to say something useful.


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