
I'm trying to display a text in a qgraphicsview but it appears with a very weird formatting:

The text that appears is "Mission". The "i" chars appear very close to the next characters. I would like to show it properly and to reduce the space between the letters. I have tried it modifying the strech property of the qfont object but nothing changes. I would like to reduce the size of the text even more too, but I think the point size has been already set to the minimum value...

This is my code:

Qt Code:
  1. painter->scale(1, -1);
  2. QFont font = painter->font();
  3. font.setPointSize(2);
  4. painter->setFont(font);
  5. painter->drawText(center.x() + 1, 0, QString::number(vehicleId));
  6. font.setPointSize(1);
  7. font.setStretch(50);
  8. painter->setFont(font);
  9. painter->drawText(center.x() - 5, center.y() + 3, "(" + state + ")");
  10. painter->scale(1, 1);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance