
For better organization, I'ld like to put all files generated by QtCreator in a build command inside a "build" folder in my projects' folder. I've learned how to do most of this part - by configuring the .pro file of a project with the lines

Qt Code:
  1. MOC_DIR = build/moc
  2. OBJECTS_DIR = build/obj
  3. UI_DIR = build/ui
  4. RCC_DIR = build/
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

and this part runs OK. The problem is that no matter how I try, when I run qmake it still insists in creating a "debug" and a "release" folder in my projects' base folder instead of creating them inside the "build" folder. I tried to correct this by configuring the DESTDIR variable:

Qt Code:
  1. win32
  2. {
  3. debug: DESTDIR = build/debug
  4. release: DESTDIR = build/release
  5. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

and although this was enough to make QtCreator put the executables and related in the correct place, qmake still insists in creating a "debug" and "release" folder in my projects' base folder (now always empty). How do I change this? It's interesting that, when configuring the project at the time of creating, I wrote that I wanted de build and release directories to be inside a "build" folder, but still Qt Creator didn't obey me

So how do I stop qmake from creating this two unecessary folders in my projects' base directory?

