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Thread: Long Includepath and mocinclude.tmp problem - Windows64/mingw64 QT5.1.0

  1. #1
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    Question Long Includepath and mocinclude.tmp problem - Windows64/mingw64 QT5.1.0

    Hi all,

    in my project I have a lot of include paths because of the organisation of the code. However at around 38 different includes (I know that is quite a lot) I am getting problems with compiling the code.

    For this large amount of includes qmake changes from the standard include method to the mocinclude.tmp. However this seems not to work:

    mingw32-make[2]: Entering directory 'C:/git/#####' recipe for target 'build/release64/.moc/mocinclude.tmp' failed
    process_begin: CreateProcess(C:\Temp\make712-1.bat, C:\Temp\make712-1.bat, ...) failed.
    make (e=267): Der Verzeichnisname ist ungültig. (German for path name is not valid)

    mingw32-make[2]: *** [build/release64/.moc/mocinclude.tmp] Error 267
    mingw32-make[2]: Leaving directory 'C:/git/#####' recipe for target 'release' failed
    mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory 'C:/git/#####'
    Makefile:4: recipe for target 'all' failed
    mingw32-make[1]: *** [release] Error 2
    mingw32-make: *** [all] Error 2
    Line 218 and 219 of the qtmake.Release Makefile are
    @echo -IC:/git/ExternalTools/QTXlsx/src/xlsx> build/release64/.moc/mocinclude.tmp
    At the moment I reduced the amount of includes because, I do not need all libaries. However it would be interesting to have a solution for this problem. Does anybody has the same experience, is this a bug or do I have missed some configuration for that?

    I a currently working with mingw64, qt 5.1.0 (compilied by myself with mingw64) and windows 7 64 Bit.

    Thank you for your support!

    Best regards

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Long Includepath and mocinclude.tmp problem - Windows64/mingw64 QT5.1.0

    Does the temporary .bat file, e.g. make712-1, actually get created? What file is make complaining is missing?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Long Includepath and mocinclude.tmp problem - Windows64/mingw64 QT5.1.0

    I am not sure if the batch file ever gets created. If so, it is for sure only temporary.

    I played around with the mocinclude.tmp. If I created the file in advance (empty) the compiliation works and finishes successfully. The file itself stays empty, that means the Makefile just sees that the file exists and does nothing anymore. Furthermore the mocinclude.tmp file seems to be obsolete.

    Can I prevent that the mocinclude.tmp creation gets included into the make files? Is there a parameter for this or is this fix complied into QT? Seems to be an old feature and not needed anymore!

    Thank you for your replies!

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