Ubuntu12.10, qt4.8, qt5.2.1, QtCreator 3.0.1
I install marble without mistakes but i build my source with a simple example, i haven't mistakes but the run is:

Starting /home/vtb_user/build-untitled-Desktop_Qt_5_2_1_GCC_32bit-Debug/untitled...
QMetaType::registerType: Binary compatibility break -- Size mismatch for type 'QPaintBufferCacheEntry' [1024]. Previously registered size 0, now registering size 12.
The program has unexpectedly finished.
/home/vtb_user/build-untitled-Desktop_Qt_5_2_1_GCC_32bit-Debug/untitled crashed

Could it be because I have installed qt4 and qt5?

How I can remove qt4?

Or what is the best version of Ubuntu, qt and qt creator to be compatible??
