I'm having difficulty with subversion in Qt Creator 3.2.2. When I try to commit, I get the following error:

10:45 Executing in /Users/mblong/qtoma2/trunk: /usr/bin/svn commit marshall --password ******** commit --non-interactive --file /var/folders/kw/vflkkkm93px_q0stt1sh3yqw0000gn/T/QtCreator.Oj2771 QtOma.pro

The status command works fine and has this return message:

10:45 Executing in /Users/mblong/qtoma2/trunk: /usr/bin/svn --username marshall --password ******** status

It appears that the --username argument is omitted when trying to commit.

Committing works fine in Qt Creator 3.0.0 where the commit message is as follows:

10:59 Executing in /Users/mblong/qtoma2/trunk: /usr/bin/svn --username marshall --password ******** commit --non-interactive --file /var/folders/kd/bzm2dkg94c3cvqmy8btnb8280000gq/T/QtCreator.q37301 QtOma.pro

Is this a bug or am I missing something?
