In respect to your time, I will try to bee as brief as possible.

My Goal: A plugin that does something along the lines of this:

Qt Code:
  1. [...]
  2. void EchoPlugin::triggerAction() {
  3. ProjectExplorer::RunConfiguration* echo = ???;
  4. echo->setArguments("HelloWorld");
  5. echo->setExecutable("echo");
  6. ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::currentProject()->activeTarget()->addRunConfiguration(echo);
  7. }
  8. [...]
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Or if you are visually oriented, I am trying to create this:


With the executable being "echo" and the argument being "HelloWorld"

From my research, the Classes in question are:

My issues:
- I don't see a way to set the arguments.
- The documentation does not coincide with my version of QtCreator (3.1.1), where both classes are actually found in the QtSupport namespace, not in ProjectExplorer.

So I presume I am looking in the wrong place, and that I am probably not understanding how the run configurations are created.

Now I do not claim any expertise in QtCreator's api, so if you feel the need to shout "RTFM!" to me, I will gladly take this under advisement. Otherwise, I offer my endless thanks to any one who takes the time to help me out with my ignorance.
