Hi to all,

i'm trying to make some app with qml and regular expressions
TextInput {
id: textInput1
validator: RegExpValidator {
regExp: /(?!.*([0-9]).*\1)^([1-9][0-9]{3})?/gm

there is textInput where you should put only digits, 4 of them, and there can't be digit repetition (no 2 same digits) and 0 can't be in first place.
when i test my regexp in http://regexr.com/ i see that it seems to be good, but it doesn't work as expected in qml

example of number that user can enter and i'll mark good ones.
0124 -bad , it has leading 0
1234 - good
1231 - bad it has 1 twice ---> but this one seems to passes the regExp validator mentioned previously
123 - bad its short, it has to be 4 digits
32654 - bad, it has more than 4 digits

where am i doing wrong?
Or do i have to do it some other way?

thanks for helping