
I am not sure its a right place to ask, but I recently found really interesting difference in qmake behavior between 5.3 and 5.4 versions and I am not sure it’s a desired or is it a bug.

In my projects I prefer to use:

CONFIG -= flat

to get a convenient hierarchical structure in resulted Visual Studio projects.

Since version 5.4 for every header file which contains any QObject derived class = means has an extra custom build step there is a following difference:

I attached only parts which are different in resulted .filers files.

Version 5.3
<ItemGroup> <CustomBuild Include=”..\\common\\contacts\\xcontact.h⠝>
<Filter>Header Files\..\common\contacts</Filter> </CustomBuild> </ItemGroup>

Version 5.4
<ItemGroup> <CustomBuild Include=”..\\common\\contacts\\xcontact.h⠝>
<Filter>Header Files</Filter> </CustomBuild> </ItemGroup>

As you may see, main difference is in <Filter> tag, so since 5.4 it doesn’t contains full header path which leads to really weird look in the resulted project. Resulted project has all needed folders/groups but they are all empty except non QObject based classes. All other headers are properly Filtered.

For cpp files all looks good.

I will really appreciate any suggestions on this.
