I've building an application a windows 7 platform using VS2010 with a qt5 plugin.
I deployed to windows 7 tablet machine quite a while ago. The executable and required qt5 dlls are in a directory structure that worked for the windows 7 tablet machine.
I tried copying this directory to the new Windows 8 (tablet) machine.
I had to set QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH to get past the first complaint on the new platform. Now, the application just quits silently, probably due to some missing dependency.
I tried running the old dependency walker in profile mode. I get this message:
Second chance exception 0xE06D7363 (Microsoft C++ Exception) occurred in "KERNELBASE.DLL" at address 0x756DF896.
In static mode, the dependency walker complains about missing API-MS-WIN-CORE- dlls, but I've read that these aren't valid and should be ignored.
I recall very similar symptoms when I deployed to the Windows 7 machine that were solved by installing the VS2010 redistributable package. When I try installing the redist package on the new windows 8 platform, a message says a newer version is already installed.
How do I debug this issue? Do I need the older version of the redist package to run, since those are the dlls I linked the application against? Or, do I need to install qt5 on the target platform instead of just bringing along the dlls that were sufficient for the Windows 7 tablet?