I would like to know, if someone did a Qt Gui for the discovery STM32F407 Board and can help me. I want to do a USB OTG FS communication between PC and the microcontroller. With Coocox IDE I could build an example to push the blau Botton and activate/disactivate a LED. Now I would like to show it in the GUI, but I don't find an easy example, where I can start to understand how to do it.
I start with a Qt5 in Windows 8.1. I saw in Internet I have to install for example libus-win32. I could downloaded it, and try to use Zadig to install it, but I do not have the Vendor/Product ID (I found 4 examples with 4 different numbers)..... For this reason I can not install it. That is the first problem. Someone could help me???
I copied the file libusb0.dll in C:\Windows\System32 and the file libusb0.sys in C:\Windows\System32\drivers.
Then I try to use an example in Qt C++ with the file usbd_cdc_ucp.c, but the example was not completed and of course I got a lot of errors.
I only want to understad how I can get a communication between PC (GUI Qt) <-> STM32F4.
Thank you in advance for your help.