I want to start a bat shell on Windows XP, and I use QProcess::startDetached() function to start the bat shell.

bool QProcess::startDetached ( const QString & program, const QStringList & arguments, const QString & workingDirectory, qint64 * pid = 0 )

If the first parameter is setted to a absolutely path, everything is ok. But if the first paramter is setted to a relative path, the shell(console) just flash across and the process started failed.

Then, I try to add "PAUSE" to the bat shell, but it dosen't pause.
Then, I think that Maybe the startDetached function dosen't get the correct path. But if I remove the bat shell file, there is nothing happen, so I think QProcess::startDetached function is sure to get the bat shell file, it just cannot start the bat shell successfully.

Anyone know what's the problem?
Thankyou very much