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Thread: [ANN] QtitanDataGrid 4.0.0 (beta) has been released!

  1. #1
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    Default [ANN] QtitanDataGrid 4.0.0 (beta) has been released!

    We are pleased to announce the release of a major update of the component QtitaDataGrid 4.0.0 beta. Version 4 introduce a new layout engine that allows to display all the columns vertically and scroll rows horizontally. It is a best choice when you have a database table (Qt-model) that has more, not all fit on the view completely, fields and only a couple of records. Among other things, horizontal layout allows to create a simplest pivot grid. Horizontal layout is supported for TableView and BandedTableView.
    Following new feature is the ability to create a preview row for table records. A preview row is very easy to configure, it is a Qt::WhatsThisRole role from Qt-model that connected. The stuffing is a HTML text with support of HTML hyperlinks. Preview row may be with an expand button or without it. For more details about this feature please see PreviewRow.exe example.
    Another important innovation is the grid Theme Manager, which allows with a single line of code to change the brand-color of various elements of the grid including icons to best fit for your corporate style. By the way, all the icons have become scaled, that was a problem when using a grid zooming in a previous version. It is not a SVG but PNG with acceptable quality. QtitanDataGrid4 provides an improved layout for the group summary, a new design for "Popup Filter Dialog", "Filter History" and "Field Chooser".
    In this version we improved the output mechanism for the grid printing and all known errors were corrected.
    The new version of the grid has a full source code refactoring for best quality and optimization.
    For more details about this version please follow home web-site -

    Best regards,

  2. #2
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    Default Re: [ANN] QtitanDataGrid 4.0.0 (beta) has been released!

    Colleagues, we are pleased to announce the release of version QtitanDataGrid 4.0.2. Version fixes some crashes from the latest version. In addition adds the ability to disable the field chooser button on the groups panel and adds scrollbar to the field chooser panel. Please note, scrollbar appears automatically if the columns inside can not fit on the panel.

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