I just want to use the callback in QThread,but cannot define the static varibale.The following is the code :
/////////////////// qt_metaobject not found the static varible code ////////
typedef void (__stdcall * STORESCPCALLBACK)(char* progress, char * filename);
class mythread ublic QThread
static char * mystr1;
static char * mystr2;
static void storeSCPCallback(char* progress, char * filename);
void myfuncion(STORESCPCALLBACK test);
void run();

in the function myfuncion,i callback the storeSCPCallback; in storeSCPCallback,i used the two static variable.
when compiled it ,vc7 always report the error, qt_metaobject not define the varible mystr1and mystr2.
when i move the static varible out of the QThread,it's ok. why???
///////////// ok code////////////
static char * mystr1;
static char * mystr2;
class mythread ublic QThread
static void storeSCPCallback(char* progress, char * filename);
void myfuncion(STORESCPCALLBACK test);
void run();